Our Meeting Program

Monthly meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month from 2pm until 4pm. The venue is St Andrews Methodist Church, Pump Street, Worcester; unless indicated otherwise on the program. The meeting room is on the first floor. Map and directions. The August meeting is always held at an alternative venue.

Other meetings and social events are held from time to time and these are included in the list below. Bookmark this page and look back for changes!!

Our 23rd year
12 November
details to follow
10 December
Christmas 'Get Together'
Bring and Buy Sale
Our 24th year
14 January
Silver Fish Jewellery
Speaker Carol James
11 February
Open Meeting
11 March
Experience Of A Red Coat
Speaker Paul McGuire
8 April
Annual General Meeting
13 May
Visit to Eckington Manor Cookery School
10 June
Unusual Job For A Lady
Speaker Marion Canning
8 July
Question Time
Breast Care Nurses
13 July
Summer Gala
Defford Village Hall
12 August
Summer Lunch
at a suitable hostelry
9 September
Bush Doctor
Speaker David Webster
14 October
Musical Quiz
Speaker Paul McGuire
11 November
Christmas Cracker Flowers
Speaker Rosalind
22 November
Christmas Party
9 December
Christmas 'Get Together'

Is there a subject you would like a speaker for, or can you offer to speak at a meeting? Tell the Committee.

Is there an outing you'd like to go on with the Group? Tell the Committee.

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Tell the Committee -

Please give details of your suggestion for a meeting or event

Contact details

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Given Name :
Family Name :
Email Address :

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