News 2012

September: VIV !!

VIV! yes ... VIV!


On Saturday 29th September three of our members got certified on behalf of the Group! They were presented with a certificate from the Worcestershire Breast Unit Campaign thanking the Group for its fund raising efforts at the sponsored walks organised by Irene & Val.

And "VIV"? That's easy: Val - Irene - Val. So now you know.

September: Welland Steam Rally

From Friday 21st to Sunday 23rd September the Group operated a refreshment tent at the Welland Steam Rally which had been postponed from July because of waterlogged ground. Hard work, but it was a marvellous showcase and publicity for the Group and its activities. Well(and) done Ladies (and Gents).

The Grand Entrance Customers
Cheery Cherry May I Present

September: The Name Is Changed

At the beginning of the month the Group changed its name to Worcester Breast Cancer Support Group as it was felt this better reflected the aims and objectives of the Group.

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August Meeting: Sundae on a Tuesday!

Or should that be an Olympic celebration?.

Sundae eaters

March Meeting: Guildhall Visit

Group Members visited the Mayor's Parlour at Worcester's Guildhall and were able to try out some of the facilities. One was promoted to 'Mayor' for a short while and others sat in command of a meeting.

Mayor for a moment In charge

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February Meeting: The Oscars

Norman Wanstall brought along his Oscar - and the members just had to hold it for a while!. Never, in the annals of Group meetings, has one trophy been held by so many.

In charge

The Oscar

   Norman Wanstall   

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